All e-mail accounts created on both our single domain and multiple domain reseller hosting plans have webmail access available by default. With webmail you can access, send, forward, receive, search and manage your e-mail through a web browser, thus allowing you to access your e-mail from almost any computer around the world, as long as it has an internet connection and web browser.
When using webmail, instead of downloading your e-mails locally to the computer you are checking your e-mail account from, the e-mails will stay on our servers, allowing you to access all your e-mail messages regardless of what system or ISP you are connected to the Internet with. Obviously, these messages will still be available on the server should you wish to access them afterwards with your usual e-mail client.
How do I access webmail for my account?
To access your webmail, point your browser to:
- http://www.yourdomain.com/webmail/
Use "user@yourdomain.com" as username and the password you gave to the e-mail account when it was created in your Cpanel. Remember to replace "user" for the username of the e-mail account and "yourdomain.com" with the domain of your account.
Webmail portal
After a suscesfully login, users are taken to the webmail portal where they can see their e-mail account settings, change their email password, setup filters, blacklist and other email related options; from here they can choose to open their inbox using either SquirrelMail or Horde webmail.

Squirrelmail is a standards-based webmail package written in PHP. It includes built-in pure PHP support for the IMAP and SMTP protocols, and all pages render in pure HTML 4.0 (with no JavaScript required) for maximum compatibility across browsers. It has very few requirements and is very easy use. SquirrelMail has all the functionality you would want from an email client, including strong MIME support, address books, and folder manipulation.

Horde webmail

Horde webmail is an application that doubles as your own personal agenda on the internet, featuring different modules that provide different types of functionality. Primarily it is a webmail client, allowing users to access their e-mail from a remote location via a web browser. It is also an address book, where you can store addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, notes and more. It also features a calendar in which you can set events that last for a specific amount of time, alarms for each event, et cetera. You can also record memos and tasks; all of this from a completely web-based interface available to you from anywhere in the world.

The interface can be changed to many different languages and the modules all integrate with each other, allowing you to access the address book from the webmail client, append a memo to a specific day on the calendar, et cetera.